If you would like your child to travel to school on Suffolk County Council (SCC) Funded School Travel you have to opt-in (apply) by visiting Suffolk on Board – School Travel
What do I need to do next?
If you have not done so already, you will need to go online to submit an application at You must opt-in by 31 May each year.
If you need help to opt-in, please contact customer services on 0345 606 6173.
If you have already applied for SCC funded school travel you can upload your photo for your travel pass on the
What happens if I opt-in late or don’t opt-in at all?
If you opt-in after the deadline date given above, SCC cannot guarantee that travel will be available for your child at the start of the new school year.
If you don’t opt-in, SCC will assume that you are making your own sustainable arrangements for your child to travel to and from school.
What else do I need to know?
You will have to opt-in for your child to receive SCC funded school travel every year.
When you have completed the online opt-in form the transport team will contact you with further details. This may not be until the end of June. All queries with transport provided by Suffolk County Council should be directed to:
General enquiries: call 0345 6066171
More information is available on their website Suffolk on Board – School Travel