Welcome to Sybil Andrews Academy GCSE Examinations Page
The examinations office is open Monday-Friday 9am until 3pm and extended hours during exam season.
Our exam officer is Mrs J Chamberlain and she can be contacted on 01284 413400 ext 120 or jchamberlain@sybilandrewsacademy.co.uk
You should be able to find everything you require on this page, but please do not hesitate to contact the Exams Officer Mrs Chamberlain, Mr King or the relevant subject teacher if you are in need of further information.
123Revision.co.uk has been created to support your Son/ Daughter revise for their GCSE Exams. There are a range of resources, such as links to external support and practice exam papers. These are designed to be in one place and easy to use. The resources here are Modelled, Accessible, Diagnostic and Effective. Some resources may require Students to log in with their Office 365 login.
GCSE Examinations 2023
Certificates are awaiting collection in reception.
Additional Information
Policy on Internal Appeals Procedure – Internal Assessment Decisions
Additional information for candidates from the Joint Centre for Qualifications (JCQ) for Students can be accessed in the Attachments section on this page.
Coursework Assessments 2023-2024
Non-Exam Assessments 2023-2024
On Screen Assessments 2023-2024
Privacy Notice 2023-2024
Student Handbook 2023
Unauthorised Items 2023-2024
Using Social Media 2023-2024
Written Examinations 2023-2024