Sybil Andrews Academy

Pastoral Care

Our Support for You

Here at Sybil Andrews Academy, we firmly believe that our pastoral and academic support should run hand-in-hand to give the students the very best chances of success.

We want for our students to excel in their studies but we know that excellent pastoral care needs to be in place as the backbone to support them through both their studies as well as their difficult times and even their times to celebrate. After all, being a teenager is both difficult and amazing!

Key contacts

R O’Donnell Pastoral Officer YR7
C Glancy Pastoral Officer YR8
L Caunter Pastoral Officer YR9
J Rose Pastoral Officer YR10
C Bloomfield Pastoral Officer YR11

Miss P Watson                    Head of Year 7

Mr A King                            Head of Year 8

Mrs C Grandjean              Head of Year 9

Mrs M Gilligan                   Head of Year 10

Mr J Mason                        Head of Year 11

As a school, our philosophy that excellence is bred and not just innate, is supported by our strong positive behaviour systems. We love to reward and praise our students and do so at every opportunity and will invest into our students should things not quite go to plan.

We run a year group system where the students are in a tutor group. Their tutor will stay with them throughout their secondary school career so will get to know each individual child really well. Every year group has their own Head of Year who will also stay with the year group throughout the 5 years. Our excellent Heads of Year work very closely with the tutors and also the students directly to support them, to challenge them and to help them navigate their own way through life as a secondary school student and ultimately as a school leaver: independent, responsible and capable of solving problems that come their way.

We also have, non-teaching, Pastoral Officers at the school who are on hand to support with any trials and tribulations that may arise but also take on a key role in supporting students as a mentor and sometimes just as a friendly face or helping hand.

In supporting our students, we are highly conscious of the need to support mental wellbeing as well as physical wellbeing. Our pastoral team, therefore, are highly skilled at supporting with mindfulness through everyday interactions, assemblies and planned curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities. We also have a designated non-teaching Welfare and Safeguarding Officer whose main role is to support our students should their needs extend beyond our pastoral care provision.

Our pastoral team ensure that our school values of Kindness, Courage and Responsibility help to shape our conversations with the students but are also at the centre point of our aspirations.

During this exceptional time we want to support both students and their families.

Community 14

Talk to us…

Parents/carers – please contact us at anytime if you have concerns about your child’s wellbeing.

Students – please talk to us. Whether you feel more comfortable talking to your tutor, a learning mentor or your parents, please talk.