Sybil Andrews Academy

Performance and Results

KS4 Performance Data

Performance Indicator201920202021202220232024
Progress 80.07n/an/a0.28-0.050.15
Average attainment 8 score per student40.9474754.3442.5447.5
% students achieving a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and Maths35424065.044149.3
% students achieving a standard pass (grade 4 or above) in English and Maths547067786370.1
% students entering the Ebacc76708282.17274.3
% achieving grade 5 or above in Ebacc193028431926.4
% achieving a grade 4 or above in Ebacc294642593234.7
% staying in education or employment981001001009698
EBacc APS (TBC)3.77tbctbc5.173.934.33


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