Sybil Andrews Academy

Home School Agreement

Acceptable Use Policy – Students
The purpose of the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is to help promote a safe environment in which you can learn. The school has systems in place to monitor messages, e-mails and computer files as well as the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

In using the School’s Information Technology Systems, students agree to these simple rules:
Personal System Security
·         I will only use MY username and password to log onto the IT System
·         I will not tell anybody my password
·         I will change my password regularly
·         I will tell my teacher or network personnel if I think my password is known by somebody else

Personal Devices Security (for example, IPods, mp3 players, mobile phones, laptops, netbooks)
·         I will not bring my personal device into school without the permission of both my parent/carer and the school
·         I am responsible for the security of my device when it is on the school premises
·         I will use my personal device responsibly and safely when it is on the school premises
·         I will not take photos or recordings (either video or audio) of school staff or other students without their consent.

Personal Data Area
·         I will only save computer files that are required for my learning
·         I will organise my computer files appropriately
·         I will delete any computer files I no longer need
·         I will ensure that I have archived backups of important files (for example copies of coursework)

Using a Computer at School
·         I will care for the computer equipment I use and the IT Suite environment
·         I will only print documents when they are complete and a teacher has asked me to
·         I will ensure that computer files are scanned for viruses before they are uploaded or sent to school
·         I will not touch any computer cables or wires or change display settings
·         I will not use somebody else’s keyboard without their permission
·         I will not look at or delete somebody else’s files

Using the Internet at School
·         I will access the Internet only to support my learning
·         I will use the school IT Systems responsibly and for learning
·         I will not use the school IT System to play online games
·         I will not give anybody my home address, phone number or arrange to meet anyone using the Internet (including friends)
·         I understand that if I accidentally access a website that has inappropriate content I must report it immediately to my teacher
·         I will not use the school system to access social networking sites

Using Email, Chat and Messaging at School or via VLE
·         I will use these systems sensibly
·         I will be polite
·         I will only send to people expecting to receive an e-mail, chat or message from me and this with the prior permission of a member of staff
·         If I receive an e-mail, chat or message that is threatening or upsetting I will tell my teacher immediately

Using the e-Portfolio or VLE
·         I will use the e-Portfolio/VLE responsibly
·         I will use appropriate language and images
·         I will respect other people’s privacy
·         I will respect other people’s points of view
·         I will be polite at all times
·         I will not use forums, blogs, chat or forums to threaten, intimidate, abuse or ridicule another person
·         I will abide by Copyright rules and regulations by not copying, amending or distributing materials which do not belong to me, or for which I have no permission to use.

·         I will only use school cameras under the direction of my teacher when taking photographs
·         I will only take photographs which will be used for my school work
·         I will not put the photographs I have taken on any social networking site
·         I can put the photographs I have taken on the school’s VLE if directed to do so by my teacher

What can you expect?
 You will be treated with respect by other students and users of school IT Systems
 You can request information to support your legitimate use of school IT Systems
 The School will:
·         maintain and make available all school IT Systems to support your learning
·         provide a safe environment in which you can learn
·         advise users of acceptable and appropriate behaviour when using IT Systems

What do I do if things go wrong?
If these simple rules are broken by others it may prevent you from using a safe environment to enjoy your learning and, potentially, place you and others in danger. By not breaking the rules, others will enjoy all that the school IT System can offer.

If you notice something is not working or somebody is not following these rules, please report what has happened to your teacher as soon as possible – they will know what to do.

If you break these rules you could:
·         place yourself and others in danger,
·         be stopped from using school IT Systems or parts of the System
·         be open to other school sanctions as appropriate (listed in School’s E-Safety Policy)
·         be asked to contribute to the replacement or repair of broken or damaged equipment