School Uniform
Full school uniform is compulsory and is as follows:
School Uniform
SAA Anglia Navy Blazer
SAA Anglia Navy Skirt or Trousers
White long or short sleeved shirt
Sybil Andrews Academy tie
Navy jumper (optional)
Plain black/navy socks
Smart black leather shoes/ leather-look shoes
(not trainers)
Plain stud earrings only – one piercing only
A single ring can be worn
A wristwatch can be worn
(Smart watches are not to be worn)
Plain navy or black hairband
PE Uniform
Navy Blue Sybil Anglia hooded sweatshirt
Navy Blue Sybil Anglia t-shirt
Plain (No Branding) black knee length pocketless shorts (no Nike
Pro or cycling style), leggings or joggers
Navy, black or white sports socks
Astro trainer / Trainer
Recommend that students have a gum shield and shin pads.

The uniform above is to be worn throughout the academic year. To clarify all pupils will wear a white shirt and tie.
We do allow like-for-like options of uniform to support with keeping the cost of uniform down, please contact the school for further information and to avoid purchasing an item which is not like for like. We would suggest discussing with the Year Team in the first instance.
Year 8 -11
We appreciate that many of you will have bought uniform at the
start of the academic year or may have uniform from a sibling
that you wish to reuse. For years 8 – 11 we are operating a phased roll
out scheme. Over the next year (24/25), parents can mix and match
the School Colours uniform and replace items with the new Anglia
design. From January all students in 7-10 will need to be in the new Sybil Andrews skirt.
How to Order Uniform

Our new Anglia uniform is now available to purchase.
SAA School Colours uniform can now be purchased through Anglia Sports and Schoolwear at a discounted price, for years 8 to 11.
Sybil Andrews Academy online store years 8 – 11
How to Order PE kit

SAA PE hoodie and PE T-Shirt should be purchased through Anglia Sports and Schoolwear.
All kit including the blue, statutory, jumper and t-shirt, plus their plain black shorts and joggers are available through their website.
Please click here to visit the site.