Work Experience
Why choose Work Experience?
Imagine how you would feel to have had the chance to explore a future career, to work with experts, to see what they do and how they got there. Building new contacts and new learning experiences can help you to decide what you want to do after school. The opportunities and feedback you receive can also help in future college, apprenticeship or sixth form applications.
This page will update you on key information, throughout the process.
For work experience queries please click here
Work Experience Parent Information Evening Thursday 5th of December
6:00pm until 6:30pm and will be located in the main hall.
Work Experience outcomes
The work experience programme at SAA has a real positive influence in our student’s attitudes towards the reality of work life and the concept of careers.
To experience during a full week what it takes to commit to a schedule, to follow instructions, to learn and do, in real life scenarios has a significant impact in their personal development.
The school received really positive feedback from both the students and from the employers involved in the experience.
Some of our student’s attitude to work and their existing skills impressed the employers so much that they have been offered future job opportunities and apprenticeship placements.
From Ickworth, National Trust
” Both students have been a pleasure to have join the team with us, they have received their first day on the starter check list on Monday and have completed our evaluation form along with your paperwork at the end of their placement.
As with many students seeing their confidence grow from day one to the last is always so wonderful.
I hope they have both enjoyed themselves, there seemed to be positivity from both. Really glad they chose Ickworth for their work experiences.”
From Sealey Team
“It was a pleasure being able to provide two students with useful work experience.
During their time with the Photography department , they were able to produce a range of work including product action shots and video footage using sophisticated camera equipment and video software.
The work was of such decent standard that we have been able to use these images on our website and some of the video work can be found in Sealey instructional videos on You Tube.”
From our students:
“It was really fun working at a school with the young children with disabilities, I have learned a lot about helping them and to making them happy. The teachers and everyone were lovely. I have learned a lot.”
” I have been offered an apprenticeship at the end of my work experience I loved working there in the future.”
WE at Riverwalk P School
“I loved working at the British Sugar Factory, because everyone was so kind and respectful. There were a lot of machines, and it was really busy, but I was always safe and looked after.”
British Sugar Factory
“I really enjoyed working there even through the first two days were hard, to get used to.
I developed good relationships with the residents and most of the workers there. My confidence level was definitively boosted as well as my self-esteem.”
Glastonbury Care Ltd
“This was a really enjoyable experience and I am very thankful to the people involved in making it happen. During my time at the library I have learned many different skills , such as assisting in making decisions, costumer support, IT, communication and used my maths skills.”
Suffolk Libraries
“I am extremely pleased with my work experience. I helped with pipe work and spoke with a variety of people. I was presented with a unique opportunity as a client asked me to take care of eight Labrador puppies and it was extremely rewarding especially as I wanted to do my work experience as a vet. I enjoyed it much more than I thought i would and I am very grateful for this experience.”
Duck Plumbing and Heating
Work Experience Information Evening 24-25
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