GO 4 Schools
At Sybil Andrews Academy we use Go 4 Schools to record behaviour, attendance, homework details and attainment information. Parents and Students can now download the mobile app by clicking on the appropriate link.
Login details for the app will be the same as for the Go4Schools website.
Please read the attached document and the information below if you are having any issues accessing Go 4 Schools.
Students will also have a school email account. Which will be set up in during the first Computer Science lesson.
School Email Address
The student email address will follow this format
XXX= student username
(When your year group started at the school followed by your initial and surname. For example
If you don’t know your password please contact us so it can be reset.
If you are struggling with Go 4 Schools please refer to these guides.
Logging on to Go4Schools Parents:
To log on to Go4Schools go to: https://www.go4schools.com/parents/
If you have not yet registered, you will need to log on as a first time user. Type in your email address that is registered with the school (e.g. firstname.surname@gmail.com) and request a password.
You will receive a password to your registered email account (eg your Gmail account), after which you can use your registered email and newly supplied password to log on to the Go4Schools parent site. You can then change your password to something more memorable using the ‘My Settings’ section of the website.
You will only be able to see information relating to your child(ren). If you have not registered your email address with Sybil Andrews Academy, you will not be able to log on to the website.
We also use the Go4Schools app which is available to students and parents. This will not work, however, until the initial set up has taken place on the Go4Schools website.
Logging on to Go4Schools Students:
To log on to Go4Schools go to: https://www.go4schools.com/
Go to Login – Students Login
If you have not yet registered, you will need to log on as a first time user. Type in your school email address (e.g. XXXX@sybilandrewsacademy.co.uk ) and request a password.
XXX= student username (When your year group started at the school followed by your initial and surname. For example 18JBloggs@sybilandrewsacademy.co.uk.
If you have forgotten your Go4School password this needs to be reset on the Go4School page. A link will then be sent to your school email address.
We also use the Go4Schools app which is available to students and parents. This will not work, however, until the initial set up has taken place on the Go4Schools website.