Learning at home
In the event of adverse weather conditions the decision may be taken to close the school. Updates will be posted on our social media pages and our website.
You can also check the recently updated Suffolk County Council schools status page from the link below.
In this situation Sybil Andrews Academy will revert to Remote Learning.
For information and resources to support remote learning please follow this link.
The information and resources on this page provide support and guidance for all students to access their remote learning. This is accessed via Microsoft Teams.
For guidance on using Microsoft Teams, including accessing class Teams and basic functionality, please refer to the guides in the Attachments Menu on this page.
Parents may also wish to refer to the National Online Safety document which has a Remote Education guide.
If you require wellbeing support please refer to our Wellbeing Resources and Support Page.
Teams Information
What is Teams?
It is part of the Office 365 suite of applications that students at Sybil Andrews have access to.
How can students access it?
You can access it in a web browser, or, download it as an application on desktops, smartphones/ tablets.
What if students need support?
Students have had an Assembly on setting up Teams. If students are still struggling, they should contact saa@sybilandrewsacademy.co.uk
What if students have forgotten passwords?
They can reset passwords by contacting Reception. Subject Teachers cannot reset passwords.
Problems with Teams? Try these quick fix tips.
Follow steps below first
- Log Out
- Uninstall Teams (application or app)
- Reboot the deviceReinstall Teams
- Re-login to Teams
If you continue to having technical issues with Microsoft Teams please contact the school at SAA@sybilandrewsacademy.co.uk. Students need to give a specific description of the issue e.g. cannot login to Teams and which device you are using Teams on.
School Email Address
The student email address will follow this format XXXX@sybilandrewsacademy.co.uk
XXX= student username
(When your year group started at the school followed by your initial and surname. For example